You can make a financial contribution by credit card or by check.

Please note that:

  • Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents may contribute.
  • Maximum donations are $2,400 per individual ($4,800 per couple) for the 2026 primary and general election cycle.
  • For donations over $25 (per individual), you must supply your name and address.
  • For donations over $100 (per individual), you must also list your occupation, employer, and city and state of employment.

1. Send a check to:
People for Pedersen
212 Broadway Ave. E. #22282
Seattle, WA 98102

2. Contribute by credit card:
Please fill out the form below and click on the “Donate” button below to complete your payment through (You don’t have to have a PayPal account–just a valid credit card.)

    Thank you for your support!